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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Leading a respectable life

On October 2, 2010 Dr. Kiran Bedi came to my college BIMTECH. Before meeting her, meaning of MBA for me was confined only to the professional world. But after hearing her, all preset notions changed. MBA involves simple management techniques that everyone should start applying to his/her life on a daily basis to lead a respectable life where in the end you can see in your eyes and say "yes, my life was worth living".

After hearing her, I felt that there are three things that should be followed in one’s life is concept of ‘TEA’:

1. Always be trust worthy

2. Empower everyone

3. Talisman check

1. Always be trustworthy: A person should always be worth trusting. Without trust you cannot survive and grow in your life. What is the value of person who is sitting on a high post but everyone under him does not trust him, the world related to him but does not respect him, no one believes in him? ZERO, he is a big loser in his life. There should be a transparency in your life and work to show the world that whatever you are doing is correct and one should be able to stand in front of everyone to accept his own doings. One should not take any step in life which he may regret in future. There should be value in what you say, everyone should be able to have faith in you and your decisions. For this, efforts should be from all sides, but initiative has to be taken from someone.

2. Empower everyone: When power is confined to a limit/ level, things go wrong. Power should be divided among everyone. This gives people a feeling of belongingness and things start coming in proper alignment and relations start taking right shapes. This help in budding of mutual trust and respect among people for each other. Person having power should have the foresightedness to empower his subordinates. Proper enlightenment starts with wide spread of power. However, one should be beware of giving power in the wrong hands as that can lead to disaster. Therefore, a proper check is to be maintained and proper distribution is needed.

3. Talisman check: When doing anything a self search is always needed, like, is this thing the right thing to do? Is it worth doing? Is it going to benefit everyone? Am I compromising on my ethics? Will I be able to say that I have done this thing? These are the questions one should ask him before performing any task. If the inner soul says yes, this is the correct thing to do then follow it. People should stop following the orders from anyone blindly. There should be no compromises on ones values. This one step that everyone should follow is doing thing ethically. It is very important to lead a respectable life. If we compare business tycoons, we always appraise TATA group as they never compromise on their values. This is what counts in end.

These three things are interrelated to each other as building trust will lead to empowerment through which integrity is achieved among all. All these are measured by how ethical you have been in your life.

But unfortunately in today's harpy world, every one’s soul is missing. Life will always be on an incline where we have to choose whether we have to go up or come down. Going up is tougher than coming down but what matter is how high you reach.

The only thing that one requires is develop PERCIVAL in each one of us- the courage to accept the right and reject the wrong.


  1. wt she said is absolutely true...n hearn her..her passion for her country made me wonder...wt r v doin in lyf???..hv v done anythn...??
    aboslutely gr8 article...gr8 job!!

  2. thanx sis... there is no second thought on her efforts by her for our country. and a very correctly pointed, wat hav we contributed and wat are we doing in our life's quest.

  3. your article contains some of the hard hitting truths of life...... people should change their perception towards life......... great work man.......
