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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The unfair life

The life never took the road that I wanted to travel. I always have to move forcefully in the direction it showed to me. Whenever I wanted to go right it was showing me the way to the undesired way. Does it always mean it is good?

If I go through my memory lane, I can only recall that I’m standing in a point where I never thought I will be standing. From the beginning whenever I asked for a mango it offered me an orange. And if I wanted a grape it gave me berries. Why? I always dreamt of fighting for my country, but what I’m doing is just sitting on the lappy writing some blog to take out my frustration. Sometime I think I was never strong enough to fight for my dreams and then I say “I STAND FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN.” Was I weak enough or was it my parent’s happiness that I was doing it for. I never had this wisdom to look beyond the horizon and say “YES THIS IS WHAT I WANT FOR MY LIFE.” Somehow I feel happy looking at my parent’s happiness. Sometime feel that thank god that I never went for what I wanted to do then I would never had all these that I’m enjoying right now. But if I evaluate then what have I achieved qualitatively or quantitatively? Nothing still I have to say my Dad’s name in front of the mass to make my identity. Though it’s not bad but there should be something that I should have done to make my family proud enough to say my name in public. There is something that is still missing as part of my life. There are hundreds of kids born every day in this world and almost all of them just live there life and go on. But what is the difference that makes people like Warren Buffet or William Gates III or Lakshi Niwas Mittal different from others. It’s not about the money or the position they are holding, it’s about the respect they are holding in eyes of millions of people. They strived hard to reach the top of the pyramid along with not losing their humility and the humbleness which was there in them years back when they were like other in the mass. They also took risk, they also sacrificed but life pushed them so that could achieve something in their life. If life can push these men in the path where they are standing then why the life always destroys the blue print of my plan to reach the top of the world. I have no Idea why the life is so unfair some people travel the world in business class and why some people strive to death of hunger. If the word is so simple then why can’t the life be? Every moment we have to fight for the things that we want. Some people say “if the life become so simple where you are granted every wish you desire for then the fun in living will die.” Is it so??? Is living a life of cowards fun, is a life fun of horrors so fun, is snatching every bit from other’s mouth sound fun?? I disagree with all those people who say so. If I wanted a car and worked for it, then it only gave me the piston. What are they expecting from me that I should work 1000 times and collect all the pieces and then assemble it?

If life is tough on me and easy on all those people who are good enough to stand against me then I guess it have a plan for me like life has some plan for everyone. The almighty has the power to move the whole world according to him then grant me one wish that please explain me what do you want from me? In last I can only say: “all’s well that ends well.” Hope my end is also well so that I can say proudly one day that everything is good my son everything happen for a reason.

The experiment of love....

As I interact with many people who are in love and they claim that the love is the most beautiful thing in their life I notice that in one point or another they feel “why the hell I’m with him/her? Why is she/ he poking me again and again? Why can’t I live my own life my way?” I never understand the real meaning of getting into a relationship status. Is it a mean to show that someone is there with me or is it a means to kill your loneliness. If a person cannot be happy with each other then what’s the whole point of being with that guy/gal. The only thing that I can figure out is that the person is so low in his/her spirit that they seek a moral support from someone whom they can bank upon but does this really happen in this harpy world?

As far as I can understand the answer is NO. Today people just try to show that they are going out with someone. It has become a kind of fashion statement. The girls gossip about their person lifelike: “You know what he gave me a big gift and took me to a dinner in his car.” The other will say “Ohh really, you know what my boyfriend gave me a ring and took me to Hyatt for a dinner in his corolla.” In the middle there will be a girl who doesn’t have anyone about whom she can flaunt. So in the end she will be so demoralised that she will land up with some wrong guy just to show other girls that I too have a boyfriend. Similarly the boys will sit and start telling their tales about their girlfriends. One will say: “dude, you know she is really hot man.... we did this we did that and blah blah blah..... “ The other one say “man my girl is really sweet she did whatever I said to her and the dream story begins.” But in the end whom are we fooling? Ourselves only. The youth enter this kind of world to find happiness but they are left with only loneliness.

The thing is that love is not that comes to your way by just having an attraction towards him/her. The sense of love is always to give the care and support to the other person. If the mutual understanding is not there between the couple then what are they trying to show the world. The darkness inside you will start killing you slowly-slowly. It acts as a silent killer which leaches you from deep inside your sole and pushes you in the state of loneliness from where you have started your path. Some of the lucky one does find a real love of their life which turns out to be the best decision of their life. But the uneasiness of their mind makes you lose lot of important things in your life which cannot be regained. So is this kind of decision worth experimenting???

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I just lost my smile...

Playing with a plastic toy
life was like a ride of joy
A cracking sound on the courtyard tile
And before I knew it, I just lost my smile

Was in tears when I broke my Rambo doll
All I could do was cry and bawl.
Startled by my hue and cry
my mother wipes my tears dry

Was eying a place in the hall of fame
while keeping my eye on the game
I lost my game by more than a mile
And before I knew it, I just lost my smile

My father sat beside me
Taught me the rules of the sea.
Told me "The small fish gets eaten by the bigger one,
So always put in your best, my son.

Walking around in La-La Land
We held hands as we walked on the sand
The happiness was short lived, it was only for a while
And before I knew it, I just lost my smile

Enter the world of drugs and sleeze
It sucked me in before I could say please
Love and trust are foregone words
Feel like my remains are being pecked by birds

I still tried to move on with my life
Balancing is hard when you're walking on the edge of a knife
I'm fighting a losing war, realisation took a while
And before I knew it, I just lost my smile

Losing it all in the blink of an eye
Made me ask questions to the spirit in the sky
No response just made me believe it was all a lie
All I wanted to ask was "Why me, Why?"