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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The experiment of love....

As I interact with many people who are in love and they claim that the love is the most beautiful thing in their life I notice that in one point or another they feel “why the hell I’m with him/her? Why is she/ he poking me again and again? Why can’t I live my own life my way?” I never understand the real meaning of getting into a relationship status. Is it a mean to show that someone is there with me or is it a means to kill your loneliness. If a person cannot be happy with each other then what’s the whole point of being with that guy/gal. The only thing that I can figure out is that the person is so low in his/her spirit that they seek a moral support from someone whom they can bank upon but does this really happen in this harpy world?

As far as I can understand the answer is NO. Today people just try to show that they are going out with someone. It has become a kind of fashion statement. The girls gossip about their person lifelike: “You know what he gave me a big gift and took me to a dinner in his car.” The other will say “Ohh really, you know what my boyfriend gave me a ring and took me to Hyatt for a dinner in his corolla.” In the middle there will be a girl who doesn’t have anyone about whom she can flaunt. So in the end she will be so demoralised that she will land up with some wrong guy just to show other girls that I too have a boyfriend. Similarly the boys will sit and start telling their tales about their girlfriends. One will say: “dude, you know she is really hot man.... we did this we did that and blah blah blah..... “ The other one say “man my girl is really sweet she did whatever I said to her and the dream story begins.” But in the end whom are we fooling? Ourselves only. The youth enter this kind of world to find happiness but they are left with only loneliness.

The thing is that love is not that comes to your way by just having an attraction towards him/her. The sense of love is always to give the care and support to the other person. If the mutual understanding is not there between the couple then what are they trying to show the world. The darkness inside you will start killing you slowly-slowly. It acts as a silent killer which leaches you from deep inside your sole and pushes you in the state of loneliness from where you have started your path. Some of the lucky one does find a real love of their life which turns out to be the best decision of their life. But the uneasiness of their mind makes you lose lot of important things in your life which cannot be regained. So is this kind of decision worth experimenting???


  1. dass nice..but yeah defines u as a person who is direly in love vd smbdy..single sided...n man..dun run away frm her..jus tell her..because the satisfaction u derieve out of being vd the one u truely love..sans all beyond me..dis world is alive cz of the one form or is not lust,,,it is a feeling of safety, one ness, sincerity, being honest to sumbdy..n ur life to make smbdy smile..

  2. n yeah buddy...u ner knw dat hw much wrth dis experiment has,,,it caan give u smiles freva...:)

  3. are you sure about it..... bcoze if you rewind your life you will find the answer that everyone has been in the same situation one or the other day.....u might say love is this love is that but does this world really move on love??? i doubt it seriously....this world is been full of hatred and is fueled by money....

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  6. isten first of all that kid is new to this world and he knows nothing abt the world and its THE rule.... and abt ur life u did something, u felt bad, so thats my point was that thing worth experimenting???

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  8. well what I believe is that if 1 of the partners is talking negative about the other, that doesn't make the love impure.. its just that maybe he is not happy in the relationship or he is not in love.. but just these things doesn't make love a myth!!! it exists but its just it has become more materialistic these days.,. I have faced failure in love but that doesn't make me hate the feeling of love.. I just feel that yes, there must be some1 out there made just for me.. but am just unable to find him.. dont blame love baby.. love has always been pure.. all the other things are lust and fun !!!
    never lose your hope over love... it exists and can be in the form of family and friends too : )
