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Monday, January 7, 2013

Challenge accepted

The three big challenges that I have faced in my life can be broadly divided in: 

1. Choosing a proper career in my life: This is a long and on going process these days and I feel this a most common problem faced by most people when they were young. In our society when a students gets admitted in class 9th the pleasure from family and peers start to built up and as a preconceived notion, a student is taken as an intelligent student if he is in science, a less if commerce and worse can is if one chooses arts/humanity. In this pleasure most either end up killing the talent inside them and get stuck in a rat race. When I was in US this was not the case, there most of my friends studied political science to enter politics or to a bureaucrat. So the same happened with me where I without understanding my interest choose engineering then after completing my graduation I finally choose what I was good at. 

2. Distinguishing between profession and hobby: Even after getting on right track of education, college and right guidance, people fail in life professionally. This mainly happens as people compromise on many things on life and just try to swim with the flow. I would like to give an example of someone I know, the person did his B.Tech from Delhi College of Engineering in 1992 in computer science. At that time no one could have asked for more as that was the year when all IT companies were on their blossom stage with more demand and less supply of talent and Indian economic policies opened the gates for foreign investments. Even after getting everything right in hands the person didn't enjoyed what he was doing. So one day he decided to quit the job and search for something else. Finally after experimenting for couple of years he finally understood that he enjoyed teaching rather that doing some corporate job and he finally joined a college as a lecturer and now doing great at his end. 

Similarly I had a lot of ups and down in my path and then finally understood that doing something in life is different from doing something for a pleasure. Even when I started to plan the business it took long time to understand which business should we get into, something that can interest us, can also give a long term sustaining results. 

3. In search of true love: This is something which is not a very hot topic in my life at the moment but with the past experiences I am sure that this can a very big trouble in anyone's life. I have seen many people who could do good and grow in their life just because they had a good moral support from their family, even my dad had many failure in business during a time but today he says that the only reason he could survive them and get above them was because my mom was always there to support and take care of him. 

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